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Table 4 Reports from The Gambia of infant HBV vaccination efficacy against chronic HBV infection (HBsAg+) at various ages in childhood

From: Efficacy and effectiveness of infant vaccination against chronic hepatitis B in the Gambia Hepatitis Intervention Study (1986–90) and in the nationwide immunisation program


Number HBsAg+/number tested (%)


Age (years)



% vaccine efficacy (and 95% CI)

Nationwide GHIS cohort, born 1986–90 and surveyed periodically in 1990–2008, vs concurrently born controls


4/720 (0.6)

78/816 ( 9.6)

94% (84–98)


4/675 (0.6)

85/823 (10.3)

95% (84–98)


2/492 (0.4)

51/420 (13.2)

97% (92–99)


2/255 (0.8)

59/475 (12.4)

94% (76–99)

All ages

12/2142 (0.6)

273/2534 (10.8)

95% (mean)

Keneba village, born 1984–2002 and surveyed in 2003, vs historical controls surveyed in 1984


0/176 (0.0)

24/236 (10.2)



2/203 (1.0)

32/205 (15.6)



0/185 (0.0)

19/135 (14.1)



3/224 (1.3)

8/47 (17.0)


All ages

5/788 (0.6)

83/623 (13.3)

94% mean**

  1. *Present survey in 2007–08; 3 previous GHIS follow-up surveys took place during 1990–2004 [8, 14, 15]. Results for Keneba were from a survey in 2003 [13] of vaccinees born 1984–2002 and from a historical survey in 1984 of unvaccinated children.
  2. **Age-specific results are unstable due to small numbers.