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Table 3 Sample questions and answers used in evaluation

From: Ability of online drug databases to assist in clinical decision-making with infectious disease therapies

How is tenofovir dosing adjusted for a hemodialysis patient? Tenofovir should be dosed at 300 mg every 7 days or after a total of approximately 12 hours of hemodialysis. Dose should be given after hemodialysis session.

Should sulfadiazine be used alone for toxoplasmosis prophylaxis? No. It should be used in conjunction with pyrimethamine and leucovorin.

What are the electrolyte abnormalities associated with Amphotericin B? Decreased magnesium, decreased calcium, and decreased or increased potassium.

Can nitazoxanide suspension be given safely to diabetic patients? Diabetics should be aware that the suspension contains 1.48 grams of sucrose per 5 mL.

What three drugs have cases reporting increased levels when administered with Fluzone? Phenytoin, warfarin, and theophylline.

What specific resistance profile has been documented in an HIV/HBV patient taking entecavir? M184V resistance substitution has occurred in the HIV strain.

What is used to reconstitute ertapenem for intramuscular administration? 3.2 mL of 1% Lidocaine HCl injection (without epinephrine).

What preservative does the Pneumovax pneumococcal vaccine contain? Phenol 0.25%.

How does spinal fluid concentrations of amikacin compare to serum concentrations in infants? Spinal fluid levels in normal infants are approximately 10 to 20% of the serum concentrations and may reach 50% when the meninges are inflamed.

What is the spectrum of activity of acyclovir? Herpes simplex virus types 1 (HSV-1), 2 (HSV-2), and varicella-zoster virus (VZV).

Can metronidazole be given to pregnant patients with trichomoniasis? It is contraindicated during the 1st trimester of pregnancy due to lack of clinical evidence.

Against what viruses have foscarnet and ganciclovir shown a synergistic effect both in vitro and in vivo? Cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus type 2.

Why should willow bark be avoided 6 weeks after receiving Varivax? Because Reye's Syndrome has been reported following natural varicella infection.