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Table 4 Discharge data for 344 hospitalizations among 216 IVDU* for treatment of infectious diseases

From: Appropriateness of antibiotic treatment in intravenous drug users, a retrospective analysis


n (%)

Discharge with oral antibiotics after adequate or best alternative therapy

162 (47.1)

Discharge without antibiotics after adequate or best alternative therapy

117 (34.0)

Discharge against medical advice, with oral antibiotics

29 (8.4)

Discharge against medical advice, without antibiotic therapy

13 (3.8)

Discharge without available follow-up data for antibiotic therapy

1 (0.3)

In-hospital deaths†

22 (6.4)


344 (100)



   < 30 days with relapse of original infection

13 (3.8)

with infection but not relapse of original infection

19 (5.5)

with no infection

15 (4.4)

   30–90 days

53 (15.4)

   > 90 days

100 (29.1)

Deaths overall (determined from state records for n = 199 patients)

49 (24.6)

   After discharge from hospital: not related to treated infection

27 (13.6)

   In-hospital (of cases):


infection related

18 (5.2)

not infection related

4 (1.2)

  1. IVDU = Intravenous drug users.
  2. * seen by an ID during a period of 5 years.
  3. † Described in detail in the lower part of the table.