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Table 5 Associations between syndemic factors and UAI among MSM, Shanghai, China (n = 547)

From: Association between a syndemic of psychosocial problems and unprotected anal intercourse among men who have sex with men in Shanghai, China


Number (%)

MSM who have UAI


N (row%)

AOR (95% CI)

Have a syndemic of five psychosocial factors

 No (have no more than 1 psychosocial problem)

353 (64.5)

177 (50.1)


 Yes (have 2 or more psychosocial problems)

194 (35.5)

121 (62.4)

1.65 (1.09–2.50)*

Have a syndemic of four psychosocial factors exclude Self-esteem

 No (have no more than 1 psychosocial problem)

373 (68.2)

191 (51.2)


 Yes (have 2 or more psychosocial problems)

174 (31.8)

107 (61.5)

1.52 (1.06–2.20)*

  1. *p < 0.05