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Table 2 Efficacy of the online intervention in reducing condomless anal sex among Chinese MSM, 2011 (n = 1,100)

From: Online HIV prevention intervention on condomless sex among men who have sex with men: a web-based randomized controlled trial


Standard referral– No (%)

Online Intervention – No (%)

Difference in proportions (%)

95% CI (%)

Completed-records analysis (n = 986)

 Overall condomless sex in the previous three months

232 (47.8)

193 (38.5)


(1.1, 17.5)

Multiple imputation ITT analysis (n = 1,100)

 Overall condomless sex in the previous three months

258 (46.9)

209 (38.0)


(1.2, 16.6)

Subgroup analysis

 Condomless sex with male regular partner/s in the previous three months

183 (53.4)

144 (46.9)


(−4.4, 17.3)

 Condomless sex with male casual partner/s in the previous three months

98 (38.9)

68 (29.7)


(−1.3, 19.6)

  1. MSM men who have sex with men, CI confidence interval, ITT intention-to-treat