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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients with influenza

From: Prognostic accuracy of SIRS criteria and qSOFA score for in-hospital mortality among influenza patients in the emergency department


Mean ± SD / N (%)


48.08 ± 19.51

Sex = male

1716 (48.19)

Vital signs

 Body temperature, °C

38.11 ± 1.17

 Heart rate, beats/min

107.64 ± 18.83

 Respiratory rate, breaths/min

19.80 ± 3.35

 Systolic blood pressure, mmHg

142.03 ± 28.47

 Diastolic blood pressure, mmHg

84.06 ± 22.84

 Glasgow Coma Scale score

14.65 ± 1.55

White blood cell count (1000/mm3)

8.14 ± 4.31

Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI)

3.94 ± 4.19


 Myocardial infarction

169 (4.75)

 Congestive heart failure

438 (12.3)

 Peripheral vascular disease

140 (3.93)

 Cerebrovascular disease

491 (13.79)


137 (3.85)

 Chronic pulmonary disease

960 (26.96)

 Connective tissue disease-rheumatic disease

157 (4.41)

 Peptic ulcer disease

850 (23.87)

 Mild liver disease

706 (19.83)

 Diabetes mellitus, without complications

767 (21.54)

 Diabetes, with complications

300 (8.42)

 Paraplegia and hemiplegia

77 (2.16)

 Renal disease

644 (18.08)


469 (13.17)

 Moderate or severe liver disease

83 (2.33)

 Metastatic carcinoma

124 (3.48)


14 (0.39)

  1. SD standard deviation, AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome, HIV human immunodeficiency virus