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Table 1 Positivity yield by different bacteriological testing strategies among pulmonary TB patients in Tianjin China, 2017–2018

From: Comparison of different bacteriological testing strategies and factors for bacteriological confirmation among pulmonary TB patients: a retrospective study in Tianjin, China, 2017–2018

Testing strategy (n)

Negativity n (%)

Positivity n (%)

Smear (6364)

3618 (56.9)

2746 (43.1)

Culture (5853)

2473 (42.3)

3380 (57.7)

Xpert (2605)

997 (38.3)

1608 (61.7)

Smear+culture (5853)

2162 (36.9)

3691 (63.1)

Smear+Xpert (2605)

838 (32.2)

1767 (67.8)

Xpert+culture (2484)

702 (28.3)

1782 (71.7)

Smear+culture+Xpert (2484)

660 (26.6)

1824 (73.4)