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Table 2 Patient Selection of Facility-based versus Community-based IPT Delivery Model

From: Successful implementation of isoniazid preventive therapy at a pediatric HIV clinic in Tanzania


Total (n = 66) n (%)

Model at Initiation


63 (95.5)


3 (4.5)

Model Consistency

 Maintained chosen model

61 (92.4)

 Switched model once

3 (4.5)

 Switched models multiple times

2 (3.0)

Reason for Model Choice

 General preference (unspecified)

18 (27.2)

 Protect confidentiality

30 (45.5)

 Easier for patient

9 (13.6)

 Better treatment support

2 (3.0)


4 (6.1)

 Missing or not reported

3 (4.5)