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Table 2 Patients’ clinical characteristics for validation set (n = 86)

From: Plasma Hsa-miR-92a-3p in correlation with lipocalin-2 is associated with sepsis-induced coagulopathy


Sepsis-induced coagulopathy (n = 34)

Sepsis alone (n = 52)


Sex, F/M



P = 0.983a

Age, years

59.56 ± 17.131

63.48 ± 17.927

P = 0.316b

Source of infection%


58.00% (29)

42.00% (21)

P < 0.001a

 Biliary system and pancreatic

45.50% (5)

54.50% (6)

P = 0.276a


78.90% (15)

21.10% (4)

P < 0.001a

 Urinary system

60.00% (3)

40.00% (2)

P = 0.380a


0% (0)

100% (1)

P = 1.000a

SOFA scores

6.68 ± 3.67

6.04 ± 3.16

P = 0.393b

APACHE II scores

17.35 ± 7.88

16.60 ± 6.73

P = 0.635b

28-day mortality%

67.7% (21)

32.3% (10)

P < 0.001a

PLT (×10^9/L)

108.03 ± 91.99

211.10 ± 96.93

P < 0.001b

D-dimer (mg/dL)

7.12 (3.00, 18.24)

4.60 (2.38, 8.64)

P < 0.001c

APTT (s)

44.80 (38.10, 61.10)

35.75 (31.70, 43.23)

P < .001c

PT (s)

14.90 (13.48, 17.33)

12.75 (11.53, 13.88)

P < 0.001c


66.53 ± 17.89

81.10 ± 11.98

P < 0.001c


1.26 (1.16, 1.47)

1.11 (1.03, 1.18)

P < 0.001c

Fbg (mg/dL)

275.13 ± 136.45

421.50 ± 173.30

P < 0.001b

TT (s)

20.00 (18.28, 24.88)

19.10 (17.98, 20.70)

P = 0.055c

Cr (mmol/L)

75.65 (52.90, 137.20)

74.25 (53.80, 127.65)

P = 0.575c

BUN (mmol/L)

10.12 (5.78, 14.07)

8.54 (5.06, 12.78)

P = 0.299c

  1. aχ2 test, bStudent’s t test, cMann-Whitney U test, SOFA Sequential organ failure assessment, APACHE II Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation, PLT Platelet, APTT activated partial thromboplastin time, PT Prothrombin time, PA Prothrombin activity, INR International normalized ratio, Fbg Fibrinogen, TT Thrombin Time, Cr Creatine, BUN Blood urea nitrogen