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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristic of people living with HIV/AIDS by cART status in the ClinSurv HIV Cohort, Germany 2001–2011

From: Tuberculosis among people living with HIV/AIDS in the German ClinSurv HIV Cohort: long-term incidence and risk factors






N = 2,467 (21.1%)

N = 9,226 (78.9%)

N = 11,693 (100%)

TB patients

103 (4.2%)

130 (1.4%)

233 (2%)




1.994 (80.8%)

7,394 (80.2%)

9,388 (80.3%)


473 (19.2%)

1,831 (19.9%)

2,304 (19.7%)

Age at enrollment, years


Median [IQR]

35 [29–42]

39 [32–46]

38 [31–45]


1,468 (59.6%)

4,338 (47.1%)

5,806 (49.7%)


994 (40.4%)

4,873 (52.9%)

5,867 (50.3%)

Geographical origin



1,731 (72.1%)

6,631 (73.0%)

8,362 (72.8%)

   Sub-Saharan Africa

255 (10.6%)

1,066 (11.7%)

1,321 (11.5%)

HIV-transmission risk group



1,339 (60.3%)

4,768 (57.8%)

6,107 (58.4%)


881 (39.7%)

3,477 (42.8%)

4,358 (41.6%)

CD4+ cell count at enrollment in the cohort, cells/μl


Median [IQR]

492 [349–663]

273 [118–453]

320 [146–508]


2,054 (89.1%)

5,467 (61.9%)

7,521 (67.6%)


251 (10.9%)

3,362 (38.1%)

3,613 (32.5%)

Viral load at enrollment in the cohort, log10 copies/ml


Median [IQR]

4.2 [3.4 – 4.8]

4.5 [3.1 – 5.2]

4.4 [3.3 – 5.7]


1,769 (72.9%)

5,845 (68.1%)

7,614 (70.5%)


446 (20.1%)

2,737 (31.9%)

3,183 (29.5%)

Calendar year of enrollment



147 (5.9%)

765 (8.2%)

912 (7.7%)


166 (6.7%)

832 (9.0%)

998 (8.4%)


178 (7.2%)

839 (10.1%)

1,017 (8.7%)


205 (8.3%)

928 (10.1%)

1,133 (9.7%)


213 (8.6%)

908 (9.8%)



225 (9.1%)

842 (9.1%)

1,067 (9.1%)



893 (10.6%)

1,144 (9.8%)


217 (8.8%)

883 (9.5%)

1,100 (9.4%)


249 (10.1%)

835 (9.1%)

1,084 (9.3%)


278 (11.3%)

811 (8.8%)

1,089 (9.3%)


338 (13.7%)

690 (7.5%)

1,028 (8.8%)

Length of follow-up (person-years)


Median [IQR]

1.2 [0.3-2.8]

3.1 [1.3-5.9]

2.5 [1.1-5.3]

  1. cART, combination antiretroviral therapy; TB, tuberculosis; IQR; interquartile range; MSM, men who have sex with men; PWID, person who inject drugs; HPC, high HIV-prevalence countries.
  2. *cART initiated during follow-up at any time prior to TB diagnosis.
  3. †Significantly associated with receiving cART (multivariable logistic regression model including all presented characteristics as independent variables; P < 0.05).