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Figure 4 | BMC Infectious Diseases

Figure 4

From: Modeling microbial survival in buildup biofilm for complex medical devices

Figure 4

Buildup biofilm (BBF): impact of Accelerated Hydrogen peroxide on microbial survival. P. aeruginosa (a), E. faecalis (b), and C. albicans (c), were used to form BBF in high nutrient medium (enzymatic detergent) or low nutrient medium (tap water). Sample pegs carrying BBF on their surface were removed after varying time periods and the bioburden determined after no treatment (positive control) or after treatment with 7% Accelerated hydrogen peroxide (AHP) for 20 minutes, where every peg with BBF received multiple cycles of treatment as described in Methods. BBF untreated (blue bar), BBF treated with multiple rounds of drying, AHP, and bioburden exposure (red bar).

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