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Table 2 HIV Disability Questionnaire (HDQ) Scores (n = 941)

From: Characterizing the disability experience among adults living with HIV: a structural equation model using the HIV disability questionnaire (HDQ) within the HIV, health and rehabilitation survey

Disability Dimension

Median Presence Score (IQR)

Median Severity Score (IQR)

Median Episodic Score (IQR) [Range; n]

Physical Symptoms and Impairments

55 (35–75)

21 (11–32)

10 (0–35) [0–100; 657]*

Cognitive Symptoms and Impairments

67 (0–100)

17 (0–33)

0 (0–33) [0–100; 866]

Mental-Emotional Symptoms and Impairments

73 (36–95)

27 (14–48)

0 (0–36) [0–100; 808]


79 (57–93)*

38 (21–55)*

0 (0–21) [0–100; 811]

Difficulties Carrying out Day-to-Day Activities

33 (0–78)

11 (0–31)

0 (0–22) [0–100; 823]

Challenges to Social Inclusion

67 (33–92)

29 (12–48)

0 (0–8) [0–100; 798]

HDQ Total Score

62 (41–78)

25 (13–40)

6 (0–26) [0–99]

  1. IQR interquartile range; HDQ HIV Disability Questionnaire; HDQ scores range from 0 to 100 with higher scores indicating a greater presence, severity and episodic nature of disability; *Boldface indicates highest scores across HDQ domains for each scale; n for episodic scores specified for each HDQ domain because imputation not performed due to increased missing responses for these items