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Fig. 4 | BMC Infectious Diseases

Fig. 4

From: Malaria Screener: a smartphone application for automated malaria screening

Fig. 4

Diagram of the local SQLite database. PK: primary key. Each line that connects two tables indicates the one-to-many relationship between them. For example, the patient table has a one-to-many relationship with the Slide table, meaning one patient can have multiple slides. Fields with an asterisk symbol (*) are either mandatory inputs by the user or automatically generated data; other fields are optional inputs by the user. a Name of the slide preparer. b Name of the user performing the screening. c App outputs and manual counts for thin smears: RBC counts, infected RBC counts, manual RBC counts, manual infected RBC counts. d App outputs and manual counts for thick smears: parasite counts, WBC counts, manual parasite counts, manual WBC counts

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