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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients

From: The clinical significance of plasma sCD25 as valuable biomarker for progression and prognosis of tuberculosis


Total (n = 303)

Sex, n (%)



174 (57.4)


129 (42.6)

Age (years), median (range)

32 (18–68)

Age group (years), n (%)



120 (39.6)


 99 (32.7)


 27 (8.9)


 37 (12.2)


 20 (6.6)

Clinical characteristics, n (%)



205 (67.6)


156 (51.4)

 Night sweat

 93 (30.6)


 55 (18.1)


 52 (17.1)


 46 (15.1)

 Chest pain

 40 (13.2)


 34 (11.2)


 30 (9.9)

 Weight loss

 26 (8.5)

Comorbidity, n (%)


 Bronchial TB

122 (40.2)

 Extrapulmonary TB

 26 (8.5)

 TB pleurisy

 26 (8.5)


 24 (7.9)

  1. Data are given at median (full range) or number (percentage)